Raisin Moth Lure

Latin Name:  Cadra figulilella

Lure: Red Rubber Septum

Lure Active Ingredient: Z,E-9,12-14Ac

Field Life: 30 days

Trap to Use: Red Paper or Plastic Delta Trap

Monitoring Strategy: Populations are monitored with sex pheromone traps; best results being obtained with traps hung on palm trunks at the height of 2-3 meters. Check with Cooperative Extension or Master Gardener for local information and recommendations.

Cultural and Physical Control: Covering fruit bunches with plastic, dense-mesh nets; orchard sanitation and early harvesting can help reduce populations.

Distribution: East Mediterranean region, North America, and Australia.

Hosts: Primarily a pest of stored fruits such as: dates, almonds, carobs, and raisins. Also, a pest of dates in the field.

Description: Adults: Adults have brown-gray bodies and hindwings are about 1 cm in length. The hindwings are white.

Larvae: Pink, with purple spots and are 1 to 1.5 cm in length.

Eggs: White, elliptical, and about 0.4 mm in diameter.

Life Cycle: Generally, 3-4 generations per year with larvae developing throughout the year. A generation takes about 7-9 weeks at 86°F.

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